Thursday, March 31, 2011
Comparing my two brothers
There are many differences between my two brothers. First of all,they are different in age. Nelson is 30 years old and Alfredo is 40 years old. Another difference between them is their behavior. Nelson, my eldest brother, was very rebellious as a teenager. For example,he would go out and drink all night with his buddies and was always looking for trouble. In contrast, Alfredo, whom is older than Nelson, was not rebellious as a teenager. He always put his academics ahead of everything. Whereas Nelson did not attend college. Also, they have different ways to see life. Alfredo has a wife and one child and for him the most important is his family. On the other hand, Nelson doesn't have a wife or children. For him,his friends are more important than his family. Finally, Alfredo is friendly. He interacts with people easily, and he is always available to help them if they need something. In conclusion, for all this reasons the differences are apparent between my two brothers.
How to make a Long Island
Preparing a long island is very easy. First of all, you have to have all ingredients; for example, tequila, gim, rum, triplesec and volka. Then take a coling glass, put ice in, put 1/2 oz of each liquor, also, put bar mix and coke on top. At the end, shake well and squeeze a lemon in it. Preparing a long island is very easy if you follow these steps and it's a delicions drink.
Single Ladies vs Married Ladies

There are several differences in the way of life between single ladies and married ladies. First, single ladies do not have the same responsibilities of married ladies. Single ladies do not have to bring up kids or keep a home. Whereas, married ladies need to work for their children, buy food, and help their husbands. Also, single ladies just work for their own expenses and do not worry about other needs. Second, singles ladies do what they want to do. They do not need to ask someone if they can go out, but married ladies need to ask their husband if they can go anywhere. And, if married ladies want to do something, they may need their husband's approval. Third, single ladies have less worries than married ladies. Single ladies just worry about their school or work or paying for daily expenses. But, married ladies worry about their children, husband, and house. Married ladies care about how their kids are doing at school, or to keep their husband happy, or just the house maintenance. In conclusion, between single ladies and married ladies, there are several differences.
Seco de Pollo (Ecuadorian Dish)
1 chicken.
1 red onion.
1 green pepper.
1 tomato.
3 teeth of Garlic.
Cilantro leaves.
Maggi bouillons chicken cubs (add one or two if you like to add more flavor).
1/2 Lulo Frozen pulp.
Goya Seasoning with paprika or (achiote).
1 teaspoon of salt.
Ingredients for Rice:
4 cups of rice (1 cup for each person).
4 tablespoon of oil.
4 1/2 cups of water.
1 tablespoon of salt.
1 teaspoon of goya seasoning paprika or achiote (to add color).
Seco de Pollo (Ecuadorian dish)
If you want to try something different, try this out. Cooking Seco de Pollo is very easy. Make sure that you get all the ingredients for this traditional Ecuadorian dish. First, don't forget to wash the chicken with lemon juice and water, peel the skin, and cut the chicken in pieces. Second, cut the green pepper and tomato in a half, and take out the seeds. Next, put those ingredients with red onion, and garlic teeth in the blender, add one and a half cup of water and mix it. Third, put the mixed blend with the chicken in a deep pot, add a little of chopped cilantro leaves, one maggi bouillon chicken cub, one tablespoon of goya seasonings with paprika or achiote, a half of lulo frozen pulp, and a pinch of salt. Then boil until the chicken is cooked or soft. Next, cook the rice in a different pot, if it is for four people just cook four cups of rice with the amount of four and a half cup of water, add four tablespoon of oil, one tablespoon of salt. Wait until the rice is tender; about twenty to twenty five minutes. If you want, you could add one teaspoon of goya seasonings with paprika or achiote to add color when the rice is boiling. Finally, serve Seco de Pollo in a dish with yellow or white rice, add one slice of avocado, tostones (plantains), and enjoy! :)

Differences between my Colombian job and my Miami job
Colombian job Miami job
There are several differences between the way that I was working in Colombia and my job here in Miami. First, my schedule was better in Colombia. For example, there I was working during the day; here I am working during the night. Second, in Colombia I had just one manager; here I have different managers depending on my shift. Third, my salary wasn't good. In Colombia my salary was lower than my salary here in Miami. In addition, the uniform in Colombia wasn't necessary; here I have to use a uniform. Finally, in Colombia our language is Spanish, and I felt more comfortable talking in my own language. Here the language is English, and now I am learning English to adapt. In conclusion, given this information, there are several differences between the way that I was working in Colombia and my job here in miami.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Similarities between men and a women

From the day a person is born, gender is an easy way to categorize people. People can't wait to say "It is a girl " or "It is a boy". These are common phrases that people use. However, men and women share more similarities that one might think. Lets look at some of them. First, both of them are humans. That means that they have the same feelings . They can feel pain, fear, sadness, and happiness. Second, both of them have the same needs. Sometimes a person needs company, attention, care and a lot of love. If they don't have these basic needs met, they can easily feel unhappy with themselves. Third, both of them can grow up in their lives in different ways. Having a career, a job and the same social opportunity is important to both. Finally, as you can see here , men and woman share more similarities that one might think. So don't be afraid the next time someone tells you that you are having a girl or a boy.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
How to do a Pearl Necklace.

If you love fashion and want to create your own accesories, you can follow these simple steps. First of all, cut 2 ft of fish line. Then make a knot at the end of the fish line and introduce a beadtip. beadtip is a closing tool for jewelry. Second, get the pearl strand and start introducing pearl by pearl to the fish line then introduce another bead tip and do a knot again. Third, put some glue at the end of the necklace and wait until it dries. After that, cut off the fish line that is at the end. Then, select a nice clasp and put the beadtips on the clasp and close them with a closing tool. In conclusion, if you want to do your necklace and save money, you can follow these simple steps and enjoy your creations.
What Makes a Good Teacher.

A good teacher will always be in our mind. These severals skills describe what makes a good teacher. First of all teachers must be patient. Good teachers instead of getting angry at the noise, they tell them to behave respectfully. They work long hours with different kinds of students, but they know how to treat each person. Also, they check alot of exams, homeworks, etc. But they never quit they desire about teaching. Second, another skill of a good teacher is love. They love teaching. They care about their students. Teachers love what they are doing. They love to be around the students. Also, teachers teach with charisma and with a contagious smile on their face. Third, a good teacher must be creative. Students love and enjoy laughing in class. Students love teachers who always have new ideas that make the class different. A good teacher is always creating new methods to teach and at the same time not making a boring class. Also, they feel great when they know that their class is effective. Finally, being patient, caring, and creative are skills that makes a good teacher. And we love them for these reasons.
Monday, March 21, 2011
"What makes a good teacher

I would like to start talking about what for me is a good teacher. In my opinion, what makes someone a good teacher are three important characteristics. First of all, a good teacher is someone who inspires confidence and respect. Because if we know that the person has knowledge and skills ,we respect that person more.A second characteristic is that a good teacher has to like to help the students and care about them. A good teacher is always worried about how the students feel in his class. This second characteristic is one of the most important to me. I had a subject in high school that was difficult for me. At the same time, I had a wonderful teacher who helped me a lot. He was always by my side if I didn't understand something. He explained everything carefully. At the end of that course that subject wasn't difficult for me anymore thanks to that teacher. The third characteristic but not less important is that a good teacher knows how to make a class attractive and interesting, and I appreciate that very much. As example of that, I would like to talk about my writing class. I get up really early every morning, but I come to this class with enthusiasm and joy because I like what my teacher does to catch our attention. She makes the class interactive and she explains everything carefully, so I enjoy it very much. In conclusion a good teacher for me doesn't have to be perfect. But if she or he inspires me confidence and respect , helps me and cares about my progress in class, and makes the class interesting for me is a good teacher.
"How to make guava juice"

Making a delicious guava juice is easy and fast if you follow these simple steps.The first thing that you have to do is look for the ingredients.You may need to buy some guavas, sugar, water and salt. Second, you need to wash and cut the guavas in small pieces. The third step is to mix all the ingredients in a blender. You may add the pieces of guava, four glasses of water, eight tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Then you have to blend it all in three speeds until the guava looks thick. Finally, you can serve the guava juice in a large glass. I also have a trick for the juice to taste better. You can add to the juice a tablespoon of lemon, and it will taste delicious. In conclusion, if you follow these steps, you will enjoy a delicious guava juice.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
How to makes good parents?

All parents think that they are good parents. But what are the caracteristics that makes a person a good parent? In these paragraph I will mention three caracteristics that make a person a good parent. First, one thing that i consider very important is to be a good listener. Always paying atention in what children's says. Giving theme always our opinion in a good mood and tone. Second, parent's need to be involved on children's life. Be interested on who are their friends. Also knowing on what they are spending their value time. Third, it is very important to give a child plenty of love. It's important demostrate love not only with words, also with actions. Don't miss the privilege of hugging and kissing . Sometimes we don't apreciate that privilege. Every child is different, so that mean that you can learn from them different things. Always try to do your best. In conclusion, these are the caracteristics that make to me a person be a good parent.
How to make your hair grow fast?

There several things that you can do to encourage your hair to grow fast. In addition I'm going to mention three things that you can do. First, use a quality brush to keep your hair brushed, such as a board brush. Second, tild your head forward and brush with your head upside down. That can help to bring the oils to the ends of your head and stimulate the scalps. Third, don't wash your hair every day, allow the hair oils to condition your hair rather than constantly washing the oils out. Finally, massage your hair washing it. Remember to always be kind with your hair. You can always help your hair grow fast by doing these activities.
A person who has made a difference!!!!

A person who has made a difference in my life is my mother. First, she always reminds me what I got to do. She is like an open book to me. Every time that I have a problem she is there to help me. Second, she has always taught me to be who I'm and not to pretend to be someone I'm not. Also, she has taught me how to always be kind because that is the way she is. She always taught me to dream big and do everything within my power to make those dreams a reality and not just a dream. Third, she is strong willed , hard working , and very dedicated to God as well as me. She is so honest that she always talks me with the truth. My mother is the kind of person that anyone can look up and say "I would like to be like that". I feel that she inspires others as much as she inspires me. In conclusion, the person who has made a big difference in my life has been my mom.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Makin a Flan

Making a flan is very easy. First, you have to be ready with the following ingredients. They are, six eggs, fourteen oz of condensed milk, twenty-eight oz of evaporated milk, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, a pinch of sugar and one tablespoon of water. Now, you can star making the flan. Mix the eggs, the milk, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and a pinch of sugar in a large bowl. Stir the mixture, plus one tablespoon of water, in a small pan or pot. Place pan on a shallow tray with water. Bake at 400*F for forty minutes. Then, let cool for five minutes. Refrigerate for at least three hours. Finally, turn the bowl on a plate. If you follow these steps you are going to enjoy eating a delicious flan.
Monday, March 14, 2011
How to prepare an Alfajor

- 2 sticks of butter
- 2 cups flour
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1-2 cups Dulce de leche
Making Alfajores is easy if you follow these steps. First, mix the butter and the sugar with an electric mixer. Add in the egg and vanilla. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, cornstarch and baking powder. Second, add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and continue mixing until forms a consistent dough. Next, wrap the dough in a plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least half an hour. Third, unwrap the dough and roll it out onto a floured surface, then cut with a small round cutter. Next, place the cookies on a cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 350 F. Finally, let the cookies cool completely, then place the dulce de leche on one cookie, topping with another cookie to make a sandwich. In conclusion, making alfajores is easy if you follow these instructions. ENJOY!!!!
What makes a good parent?
There are a lot of characteristics that i can choose to describe what makes you a good parent. First, you need to have good communication with your children. That means that you have to listen to them carefully before give them advice. for example, if they have questions about sex you need to talk to them even if you feel embarrassed. Second, it is a good idea to share activities with them. You can play their favorite sport with them or you just spend time doing things that they are going to enjoy. Third, you need to try to support them in a difficult decision and sometimes to help them to choose the right one. In conclusion, to be a good parent means to share good moments with your children and always be there for them.
A person that has made a difference in my life is my Mon

My mother is a role model to me. She was born in 1950. When she was two years old, she got Polio, but this illness didn't stop her. She spent a really difficult childhood. Her parents didn't allow her to do anything, but she always thought that she could do things that "normal people" did. This positive attitude made her become the kind of person that she is now. She finished her studies in Arts at School of Arts in Peru, but she didn't work in her field. She preferred take care of her sick mother, her baby and her adopted child. For a long time, she couldn't find a job due to her disability, but her persistence allowed her to reach her goal. In conclusion, my mother is a courageous and generous person who helps others without looking for benefits.
You are amazing students! Thank you for designing and participating in the Women for Women International Initiative to bring awareness to the situation of women who are victimized around the world. Do you recognize who is in the picture?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Family Vacation
Planning a family vacation is easy if you follow these simple instructions. First of all, you should ask each family members how much time they can spend on this vacation. In most families, people work or go to school, so they don't have enough time for a vacation. Second, the family needs to calculate how much money they can spend. It is important to have enough money for all the different kinds of events that might occur such as going shopping to buy souvenirs, renting a bicycle or a boat,or going dancing. Also, you need to know the likes or dislikes of the family. For example, while some members of the family may like outside activities such as, going to the beach, or camping, others may prefer a voyage in the sea. Therefore, it is important to agree on what places the family may want to visit. In conclusion,when you follow these steps,you are ready to enjoy a family vacation.
Public Transportatin in Barranquilla and Miami
There are some differences between public transportation in Barranquilla and Miami. First, the offer of public bus transportation is handled different. In Barranquilla, there are a variety of private bus companies while in Miami the bus transportation is handled by the county alone. Second, the amount of routes offered are not the same. In Barranquilla, there are many bus routes and in Miami the bus routes are limited. Finally, taxi transportation is better in Barranquilla. You can find taxis easier on the streets in Barranquilla than in Miami where you have to call them. In conclusion, the differences in public transportation between these two cities are obvious.
How to Write a Comparison and Contrast Paragraph
When you are ready to write about two things and would like to "compare them", there are a few steps you need to follow.
1. Brainstorm
a. you want to decide what or whom you will be comparing
b. create a table to list the differences and similarities between these two objects/persons, etc..
c. decide if our paragraph will be a "comparison" or a "contrast" piece depending on the information
gathered on the table. For example, if you have more similarities than differences on your list, you
would probably want to write a "comparison" paragraph.
2. Write your paragraph - * make sure to use "words" or "signals" that let the reader know this is
a comparison/contrast paragraph. Some of these words are: but, between, in contrast, whereas,
both, alike, yet, while, however, similarly.
1. Brainstorm
a. you want to decide what or whom you will be comparing
b. create a table to list the differences and similarities between these two objects/persons, etc..
c. decide if our paragraph will be a "comparison" or a "contrast" piece depending on the information
gathered on the table. For example, if you have more similarities than differences on your list, you
would probably want to write a "comparison" paragraph.
2. Write your paragraph - * make sure to use "words" or "signals" that let the reader know this is
a comparison/contrast paragraph. Some of these words are: but, between, in contrast, whereas,
both, alike, yet, while, however, similarly.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy International Women's Day
Google has uploaded it on the browser to celebrate the International Women's Day.
Enjoy! :)
By Krupskaia L. Silva
A Good Parent
There are several characteristics that makes a good parent. One of the most important characteristics may be that a good parent gives you good advice when you need it. For example, if you need to buy a car, parents can help you choose the better option. Another important feature can be that your parents will always be there when you feel bad. For instance, if you are sick, parents take care of you, or if you have a problem in your work, they always try to increase your mood. Finally, from your earliest age, a good parent teaches you how to find the right way to follow; the guidelines for the rest of your life. Life is not easy, parents know that, and they try to help you recognize the better ways for making decisions. In conclusion, a good parent is someone who gives you good advice, helps you in your bad moments, and tries to guide you for the rest of your life.
What Makes a Good Parent? - Descriptive Paragraph by Krupskaia L. Silva
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What makes a good parent?

What makes a good parent?
There are many qualities that make a good parent. First, communication is important. When the parent notices that the children are distracted try to communicate with them, listen carefully and act as a friend. Second, dedication is a must. It is very important to have time to share with your children such as going out with them and having activities to enjoy as a family. Third, responsability is imperative. A parent has to be clear in everything that parent are doing with their children. For example, if you have to pick them up from school try to be on time, don't let them wait if it is not necessary. Finally, love, is the most important characteristic to me. Every action, gesture and decision that you make as a parent has to be done with love and with your heart. Don't hide this feeling for any reason. It is important for your children to know that you love them with all your heart. In conclusion, the most important qualities to be a good parent are communication, dedication, responsability and love.
To Be A Good Mother
There are million of characteristics that a woman has to have to develop into a good mother role, but there are some I think are the most important ones. First of all, a good mother is responsible. She is attentive about all her child's things as homeworks and routine problems. Secondly, she is caring. She makes her child favorite food. She is always giving kisses and hugs to her children. Finally, she has to me understanding. For example, tenage years are one of the most hardert times in your children life, so a good mother has to be more patient and listen to her children's problems during this period. I know a person who have all these characteristics: MY MOTHER!!!, that why I can explain how to be a good mother. In conclusion, if you have all these characteristics, you are an excelent mother for sure!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A Good Mother
There are three characteristics that make a good mother . First of all, a good mother is a very responsible person . She always cares for her children. Also, she never forgets the most important days in their lives such as birthdays. She helps them when the children have problems. Second, a good mom is a person who teaches good manners . She wants her children to tell the truth, and that they always treat others the same way that they would like to be treated . In addition, she never wants her children to be rude or be bad people. Finally, a good mother is a very honest person. She never lies and always tells the truth even if it annoys her children . Also, she is always the unconditional friend. In conclusion , all these important characteristics make a good mother .
Friday, March 4, 2011
A Person Who Changed my Life
There are some people that I have made a difference in my life, but there is one of them who is special. She is my little sister Isabel. First of all, she made me organize my disorganize life. I usually sleep late, so I can't be 100% concentrated at school, and I couldn't study well. Since she was born, I gave 100% of me at school and I organized my schedule. Secondly, I got a lot of responsabilities because of her. I became a hardworker, and I always be on time at work. Finally, she showed me what love is about. I was so jealous, selfish and spoiled because I used to be an only daugther. She showed me what love is looking at me with her littler eyes. In conclusion, for all these reasons, she is a person who has made a diffence in my life.
Introducing Myself
Hi!. I would like to try to introduce myself. My name is Johana Alfonso Mendez, but my friends and family call me Joha. I was born in Havana, Cuba. I came to the U.S four years ago with my mom. We came to Hialeah, where my aunt and uncle live. I finished my High School Degree in Hialeah High School, and four months after that, I graduated from High School. I had different type of jobs as saleswoman, waitress etc. I work in Polo Norte that is a Cuban restaurant now. I miss my country and my family, but I felt good here because I know that I will have a better future. I'm still living with my aunt and my uncle, but I'm planning to move with my mom. I'm studying English in Miami Dade College, Hialeah Campus. I hope to go to a Police Academy to be a policewoman. I love to travel around the world because I like to learn about different cultures and people. My hobbies are watching TV, clubbing, dancing, and going to the beach. That's all!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
About my mother
My mother has three qualities that make her a very special mom. First of all, she is my confidant.When I have problems, my mom listens to me.
She gives me advice and tries to resolve them. In addition,my mom is friendly and caring. She likes to spend time with the kid's friends,and she enjoys making new friends. She usually enjoys playing going to the park with me and my brother. She is always smiling and giving me a lot of love. Also,my mom is a respectful person. She tries to be polite and has good manners with other people. She doesn't insult people. In conclusion, for all these reasons,my mother is the best mom in the world.
She gives me advice and tries to resolve them. In addition,my mom is friendly and caring. She likes to spend time with the kid's friends,and she enjoys making new friends. She usually enjoys playing going to the park with me and my brother. She is always smiling and giving me a lot of love. Also,my mom is a respectful person. She tries to be polite and has good manners with other people. She doesn't insult people. In conclusion, for all these reasons,my mother is the best mom in the world.
A good mom has several characteristics. First, a good mom has to be caring and understanding. When the children feel her care, they feel safe. For example, she plays with her children , pays attention when they have a doubt. Her help is very important for development, growth and knowledge. Second, a good mother is a confidant with her children because she keeps the most important secret for them. A mother will always be a best friend. Finally, a good mom is a hard worker. She teaches her children to be assets to society.She does not like to be disrespectful. In the future they will be have good jobs. In conclusion, a good mom has all these characteristics.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Hello students,
As we discussed in class, there will be a peaceful rally on March 8th at 1:00 PM in the faculty parking lot to support the Bridge Project. We have viewed this video in class, but I am posting for you to share and hopefully get moved by the cause. As you watch the video, you should get ideas for your posters.
As we discussed in class, there will be a peaceful rally on March 8th at 1:00 PM in the faculty parking lot to support the Bridge Project. We have viewed this video in class, but I am posting for you to share and hopefully get moved by the cause. As you watch the video, you should get ideas for your posters.
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