Thursday, March 31, 2011

Comparing my two brothers

There are many differences between my two brothers.  First of all,they are different in age.  Nelson is 30 years old and Alfredo is 40 years old. Another difference between them is their behavior.  Nelson, my eldest brother, was very rebellious as a teenager.  For example,he would go out and drink all night with his buddies and was always looking for trouble.  In contrast, Alfredo, whom is older than Nelson, was not rebellious as a teenager.  He always put his academics ahead of everything. Whereas Nelson did not attend college.  Also, they have different ways to see life.  Alfredo has a wife and one child and for him the most important is his family.  On the other hand, Nelson doesn't have a wife or children.  For him,his friends are more important than his family.  Finally, Alfredo is friendly. He interacts with people easily, and he is always available to help them if they need something.  In conclusion, for all this reasons the differences are apparent between my two brothers.

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