Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Write a Comparison and Contrast Paragraph

When you are ready to write about two things and would like to "compare them", there are a few steps you need to follow. 

1.  Brainstorm
      a.   you want to decide what or whom you will be comparing
      b.  create a table to list the differences and similarities between these two  objects/persons, etc..
      c.  decide if our paragraph will be a "comparison" or a "contrast" piece depending on the information 
           gathered on the table.  For example, if you have more similarities than differences on your list, you   
           would probably want to write a "comparison" paragraph.

2.  Write your paragraph - * make sure to use "words" or "signals" that let the reader know this is 
           a  comparison/contrast paragraph.  Some of these words are:  but, between, in contrast, whereas,
           both, alike, yet, while, however, similarly.

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