Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Family Vacation

Planning a family vacation is easy if you follow these simple instructions.  First of all, you should ask each family members how much time they can spend on this vacation. In most families, people work or go to school, so they don't have enough time for a vacation. Second, the family needs to calculate how much money they can spend. It is important to have enough money for all the different kinds of events that might occur such as going shopping to buy souvenirs, renting a bicycle or a boat,or going dancing. Also, you need to know the likes or dislikes of the family. For example, while some members of the family may like outside activities such as, going to the beach, or camping, others may prefer a voyage in the sea. Therefore, it is important to agree on what places the family may want to visit. In conclusion,when you follow these steps,you are ready to enjoy a family vacation.

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