Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Be A Good Mother

There are million of characteristics that a woman has to have to develop into a good mother role, but there are some I think are the most important ones. First of all, a good mother is responsible. She is attentive about all her child's things as homeworks and routine problems. Secondly, she is caring. She makes her child favorite food. She is always giving kisses and  hugs to her children. Finally, she has to me understanding. For example, tenage years are one of the most hardert times in your children life, so a good mother has to be more patient and listen to her children's problems during this period. I know a person who have all these characteristics: MY MOTHER!!!, that why I can explain how to be a good mother. In conclusion, if you have all these characteristics, you are an excelent mother for sure!

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