Sunday, April 17, 2011

"My first day of classes in my three years of college in Cuba"

One of the most unforgettable experiences in my life was my first day of school and my three years of college in my native country Cuba.That was a beautiful morning in the year 2004.I woke up that morning , and I was happy and excited at the same time because I was expecting that, the day will be great.I was a little nervous too about meeting new people and beginning the process of learning almost everything about computers,because I studied computer technician those three years.I chose to attend a school named "Martires de Chile",that was close to my grandmother's house, but it wasn't close to my house.Every morning I had to take a bus really early to be on time for classes.That first day when I got to school I sat on a bench in the school's park to wait to enter to the classroom.My classroom was on the second floor because my school had four floors.When I entered to the classroom, I saw like thirty students sitting and talking really low.The professor came into the classroom and greeted with us nicely.During the class the teacher talked about the course and about everything that was important to know.Then the students introduced themselves and in that way I made some new friends.The professor was excellent during my three years of college and the friends that I made ,are still the most important friends that I have .We shared beautiful moments together as a classroom and a team.After that first day,everything was really exciting.I had a lot of fun and I learned many things those three years.In conclusion my first day of college in Cuba and my three years of study were a really amazing experience, that I never forget.

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