Monday, April 18, 2011

Last year when I received my residence card I diced to visit Cuba in order to see my mom, my sister and friends. The day of the travel was amazing. I woke up early in the morning and my dad drove to the airport. When I left the airport in Cuba I took a taxi because nobody knew that I was in Cuba. It was a surprise for everyone. When I sow my house I began to cry, I was so nervous and excited. I haven't seen my mom for a year in a half and I did something that I used to do it when I was living with her. I used to stand below of the balcony of my house and shout mom I'm here. At the time that my mom heard my voice she ran to the door and, when she sow me her legs began to shake and almost fell down. She was very surprise.However my mom was not the only person who I wanted to see. I wanted to see my little sister too. My sister was in the school at that moment, so I went to see her there. She was sitting at her desk doing her school works. When I sow her I stood in front of her and said her "Tata".When she sow me she ran to me and hugged me. That day was amazing and I will never forget that experience.

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