Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An unforgettable experience

An unforgettable experience in my life was giving birth my son. I was at home getting ready for my monthly check-up. Suddenly I felt something coming out from my legs. My water-bag was broken. I called my husband and he called the doctor. After that we went to the hospital and my labor started. After four hours of labor the doctor told us that the baby has to delivery by a c-sec ion, because the baby was too big, and he was in sitting position. Then the nurse took me to another room to get anesthesia while my husband was getting ready for the great moment. At about twenty minutes, I hear ed my baby crying. It was such amazing feeling that I can't describe, that moment I will never going to forget. Finally, we saw our baby and touched and kissed him. In conclusion, giving birth my son was a wonderful experience in my life.

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