Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My first Trip to Honduras.

I am going yo talk about my first trip to Honduras. First of all, I was so nervous to see again my family. When I was in the plane arriving to my country was so amazing how Honduras looks in the air. When I arrived to Honduras airport, there were a long line to go through migration. I spent like 30 minutes there. After that I went to pick up my bags. That process was quickly. But I was anxoius and counting the minutes to see my family. When I saw them were all my family waiting for me. They were so happy of seeing me again. In the next day, was December 25th Christmay day, in that day i stayed my my family and friends. We ate a lot of food and we spent beautiful time together was and amazing day that I will never forget. A few days later, was Ney Year day. That is an amazing day to celebrate in my country. So, we started early to get dress. after that, we went to a club to dance and have fun. It was so amazing that I will never forget my vacation to Honduras. The next day, I was so tired but it was my last day in Honduras. Because I came back January 1st, I was so sad because i love my family and friends. But at the same time i was happy because I know that they love me and miss me when i am not there.


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