Monday, April 4, 2011

Ecuador vs. United States

There are several differences in the way of life between the Ecuador and the United States. First, these countries have different cultures and economic systems. For example, the food, people and language are different because in Ecuador people speak Spanish. The other difference is the weather because in Ecuador there is only two seasons, winter and summer; whereas, in United States there are four. Another difference between these two countries is the salary. For example, salaries in Ecuador are lower than salaries in the United States because in Ecuador people make less money. The basic salary is only about two hundred fifty dollars monthly; in special cases, it could be a little bit more than that. The education in Ecuador, especially schools and high schools, is much better than in the USA. However, in the United States the university system is much better than in Ecuador. In conclusion, given this information,the differences are apparent between these two countries.

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